A Trade Tradition: Bargaining
The process of negotiation of the two parties about the price and the product at the time when a product IS exchanged IS called haggling. The saying "Negotiation is Sunnah" in Turkey shows the importance of trade. The negotiation process aims to sell the product that the person wants to sell at the highest price while the person who is dependent on the product pays the minimum price. Negotiation processes usually end when both parties agree or fail to reach an agreement through certain concessions and complete the process. Regardless of the value of the product, whether small or large, the vast majority of negotiations are negotiated.
During the negotiation process, work is not only done on the price, but also on bringing the price to a reasonable level for both parties, negotiating the delivery time, informing about the warranty terms and the terms of the agreement to be made between the two parties. For this reason, collective bargaining is considered to be one of the most important activities in the change of ownership process. The negotiation processes can continue until the signatures are signed after the consent of the two parties. In this process, the search for an agreement by both parties ensures that the negotiation process works more accurately and healthily. For this reason, it is important that the negotiating partners maintain a calm and constructive attitude in such situations and show the other party as much respect as possible. Gentle and consistent requests from people will make the negotiation process smoother and won't draw the reaction of the other party.
In the negotiation process, listening to the offers from the other side, approaching the offers with respect and having information about the real value of the product will help to continue the negotiation process correctly. In addition to the psychological process, knowledge of the value of goods prevents imaginary prices and incorrect negotiation processes, which allows negotiations to proceed more constructively.
As with all products, bargaining occupies an important place in the real estate and real estate sector. The fact that the person who buys and sells real estate has information about prices in the real estate market in this region allows both parties to negotiate more constructively and act more accurately.
If you are thinking of buying a property, the first thing you need to do is find out what are the characteristics of the property you want to buy, the possibilities the property offers and how much it will contribute to the real life of the person. Determining the value of the property with similar characteristics to the property you are going to buy will help clarify the amount to be offered for the property. This prevents you from underselling or overselling real estate. Offering a high price for the property results in the buyer suffering a loss. This situation harms the person in the short term. On the other hand, offers made well below the value of the property can result in the other party being content with the situation and finding the offer disrespectful. This may result in you being unable to bid on that property again. Because of this, it ensures that people research the properties they want to buy in detail so as not to make a loss and not arouse the reaction of the other party.
If both parties come to an agreement on the price, this time, among other things, the determination of the payment dates must be taken care of. A change in the payment dates may provoke a reaction from the counterparty. For this reason, payment dates should be agreed before the contract is signed and adhered to except in exceptional cases. Payment on the given date is one of the most important factors for the process to proceed correctly.
An agreement should be reached on what elements are included in the price set in the agreement between the two parties. If changes are made to the property before and after the transfer of the title deed, an agreement should be made to this effect and these wordings should be included in the contract. Proper communication between the two parties in the buying and selling process ensures that the work is carried out more professionally and the possibility of problems is minimized.
During the negotiation process, the dates of the certificate and the key handover should also be finalized. A problem in this process can result in both parties abandoning the agreement and canceling the sale. Because of this, it is important to ensure title deeds and turnkey appointments are complete and transactions are completed quickly.
If you are a foreign investor considering buying a property in Turkey, the currency in which the payment should be made should be determined. Exchange rate differences or currency turbulence that may occur in this process can provoke the reaction of both parties and cause a great loss for one party. Because of this, it is important for people to agree on and book the currency in which payment should be made.
With its 83 million inhabitants, Turkey wants to reach the top in Europe with its 83 million inhabitants. Turkey's rapid progress and the more than 700,000 college graduates it educates every year are among the factors that push Turkey to reach its goal.
Providing easy access from all parts of the world, Turkey connects the East and the West and brings the continents together, and with its developing transportation resources, also helps to facilitate easy and fast transportation.
Turkey, which offers the opportunity to vacation in both the summer and winter months, thus stands out as one of the most visited places in the world. The appreciation of the currency against the Turkish lira also significantly increases the number of people choosing Turkey for their vacations.
Turkey, which includes 17 historical regions on the UNESCO World Heritage List, offers opportunities for people considering history as well as vacations.
As 2 Clicks, one of the leading companies managing the property buying process in Turkey, we answer all the questions that foreigners have about the properties they want to buy in Turkey and we prevent potential problems. You can also contact us to benefit from the services we offer and after the meeting you can find answers to your questions.
Türkmen Mahallesi, Saçıkara Sokak, B-Block NO. 21 B, Kuşadası-Aydın, Turkey. You can reach our company based in Turkey on phone number +90 (544) 443 46 24 and quick call via WhatsApp. You can send an email to 2Clicks.io via [email protected] and get detailed information about our work.
Call now to buy and sell property in Turkey and take advantage of Turkey's development opportunities.