Buying Real Estate in Turkey through Guardianship
There are some details that people who make payments dec housing, workplace, land and similar real estate by investing in real estate in Turkey should carry. These details include the fact that the dec are at least 18 years old. If a person is going to own real estate before the age of 18, this will only be possible if certain conditions are met. a person under the age of 18 can only become the owner of real estate purchased by his parents. Such persons can register the real estate they have purchased on their children. This situation is known and practiced as guardianship.
Persons appointed by the court and assigned to represent persons who are minors or whose rights are restricted by law are called guardians. since persons under the age of 18 do not have the right to sign the title deed and similar official activities, the guardians of the persons in such cases are their mothers and fathers. In such cases, the purchase process is similar to the purchase of real estate by the parents. Although there are no changes in the process, the only difference is that 18-year-olds are signed by their parents instead. Parents have the right to sign on the real estate they receive on behalf of their children.
The guardianship process that takes place when parents are married in Turkey varies if the parents are divorced.
If a married couple is thinking about buying real estate on behalf of their children, this process is followed by both the mother and the father. In the process of purchasing real estate on behalf of the child, the application must be made by both the mother and the father, the title deed signatures must be signed by both the mother and the father, and the mother and father must be present on the date of the appointment.
If the parents are divorced, then this time the process of buying real estate on the children's differs. In this case, the purchase of real estate on the child is carried out by the person who has the right of custody of the child. If one of the parents dies, these operations are performed by the person who is still alive this time.
In Turkey, just like Turkish citizens, foreign investors can buy real estate for their children. The process here is similar to the purchase of real estate for the children of Turkish citizens in general. It should be noted here that foreign people have translated the necessary documents. However, a real estate valuation report is also needed for foreign people to purchase real estate.
People who are thinking of buying real estate in Turkey for their children should first contact the tax office with both their own and children's passports. After the tax identification number is received at the tax office, the T, which will be used for the bank account, title deed transfer, tax payment and similar transactions in Turkey, will be used.C. This tax number is used instead of the Identification Number.
After these stages are completed, foreigners also buy real estate for their children so that their children can also benefit from the opportunities of developing Turkey.
As 2clicks, one of the leading companies managing the real estate purchase process in Turkey, we answer all the questions that foreigners have about the real estate they are considering to buy in Turkey, and we get ahead of the problems that may arise. You can also contact us to take advantage of the services we offer, and after the meeting we will do, you can find answers to the questions you have in mind. You can contact us to buy real estate on behalf of your children and to learn about all legal issues.
Our company located at the address: 21 B, Kusadasi-Aydin, Turkey by calling +90 (544) 443 46 24 and you can provide a quick call via WhatsApp to send an email [email protected]
Call now to buy real estate in Turkey and take advantage of the opportunities of a developing Turkey.